Honoka Tsutsui (筒井 穂佳 Tsutsui Honoka) is a second-year high school student at Ame no Kisaki and a fan of Ryūken Ishima's who hates Kanako Miyamae because she is Ryūken's roommate.
Honoka and her friends (who are Ryūken Ishima's fans too) had terrorized roommates of Ryuken earlier, which is why nobody wanted to live with her. Honoka has envied Kanako Miyamae and terrorized her too, such as placing seafood in Kanako's desk or in her pencil case.
- The name Honoka means "grain" (穂) (hono) and "good, beautiful" (佳) (ka).
- Honoka's surname Tsutsui means "cylinder, pipe, tube, gun barrel, sleeve" (筒) (tsutsu) and "well, mine shaft, pit" (井) (i).