Nanami Kiri (桐 奈々美 Kiri Nanami) is an aloof and bespectacled student at Ame no Kisaki who eventually becomes very close friends with Sachi Momoi.
Nanami has neck-length maroon hair, grey eyes and square-rimmed glasses.
Although Nanami appears quite cold and dispassionate on the surface, she is actually a very caring and helpful girl.
At the bequest of the teacher, Nanami helps Kanako Miyamae to overcome her initial troubles at the school, to the extent that she is willing to put her own reputation at stake by pretending to be Kanako's lover; so as to avoid trouble from Ryūken Ishima's fans.
- The name Nanami means "apple tree" (奈) (na) and "beautiful" (美) (mi).
- Nanami's surname Kiri means "paulownia" (桐).